Creative Tourism Network

3 new CreativeFriendly labels!

The Creative Tourism Network® has just created three new labels to distinguish essential agents for the booming sector of creative tourism. Through the CreativeFriendlyTravelAgent, CreativeFriendlyTourOperator and CreativeFriendlyTravelAdvisor, the CTN guarantees…

Creative tourism in Argentina

The director of the Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to share a keynote within the prestigious FIT – International Tourism Fair , held lat October 7th in Buenos Aires.…

Creative Tourism in Portugal

The Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to speak within the Seminar on “Tourism development at regional and municipal level: how to explore new opportunities” organized last September 19th in…

Let’s stop talking about tourism.

What if we stopped talking about tourism? What if, instead, we started talking about curiosity, empathy, artistic passion, transformative experiences – in other words, going back to the very essence…

Creative Tourism in Recife

The Creative Tourism Network® participated last December 7th -8th at the Seminar on Creative Tourism (Seminario do Turismo Criativo), organized in Recife by the City Council (Prefeitura), with the collaboration…