Tourism turns out to be one of the sectors most affected by the current economic situation.
However, beyond the disparity of the situations, the destinations and international experts agree on the fact that, in spite of the uncertainties, the revival of the tourist activity will be, in all points of the globe, in the form of proximity tourism, also known as staycation.

(Re) discover your region or the neighboring region, of course, but you still have to highlight its attractions. It is with this objective that the Creative Tourism Network® will make September 27, 2020, World Tourism Day, the day of Creative Tourism and Staycation.

This date, which can reasonably be envisaged as a return to a certain activity and a change of season in the two hemispheres, makes it possible to envisage simultaneous actions on the destinations which, everywhere in the world, are labeled CreativeFriendly.
Concretely, the destinations thus recognized by the Creative Tourism Network®, will invite, during this day, their inhabitants and neighbors, to participate in a wide choice of creative experiences, allowing them to rediscover their intangible heritage, live a unique experience and become official ambassadors of their territory.

Destinations of all types, ranging from the creative village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli in Quebec to the city of Medellín, via the Magdalen Islands, or the Portuguese destinations of Loulé and Barcelos, already offer very attractive activities, including weaving or blown glass workshops, traditional dances, music, cooking lessons, photographic routes, to be carried out in small groups, as imposed by current contingencies.

Tourism based on know-how, human relations, and creativity, as added values, in an environment as local as it is universal.

Without being able to guarantee long-distance trips for the moment, the Creative Tourism Network® will set up digital communication, making it possible to travel, virtually between these creative destinations, through the experiences of these ambassadors.
An opportunity for these destinations to position themselves for 2021, declared by the United Nations, the International Year of Creative Economy, and Sustainable Development.

This initiative also proposes to recreate a link at the local level, using this tourism, particularly appreciated by travelers in search of meaning, as an integrating element whose objective is to re-energize the local economy, by creating an ecosystem with craft, art, creative industries, or agriculture, to name a few.

The various activity programs will be unveiled in the coming weeks, and the Creative Tourism Network® is currently offering a free coaching and advice service for destinations wishing to develop creative tourism in their territory, in preparation for the summer season.

New CreativeFriendly destinations will also be presented very soon!