Faced with the enthusiasm of the sector for the new Tunisian offer in terms of culinary, creative and sustainable tourism, the Creative Tourism Network®, the world organization for the development of creative tourism, in charge of implementing the experiences within the framework of La Route Culinaire de Tunisie (*), launches a call for expression of interest from journalists and multimedia reporters, specialized or particularly sensitive to culinary, experiential and human tourism.

To learn how to make harissa, designated Intangible Heritage by UNESCO last December, to make your own olive oil in the underground oil mills of Djerba or the mountains of Dahar, to know all the secrets that make Kerkennah octopus fishing so unique , to discover the universe of Tunisian wine producers, to participate in the fertilization of dates within the oasis cultures of the South-West, or to elaborate its cheeses in the heart of “Tunisian Switzerland”, … are among the experiences, too diverse and numerous, that the Culinary Route of Tunisia now offers, all year round, and in all territories.

In addition, the design of these experiences not only responds to the new demands of travelers, but also guarantees the creation of a value chain that benefits local populations in terms of training, job creation, and preservation of intangible heritage, ancestral know-how and, by extension, natural and cultural ecosystems.

These are all the virtues that the Creative Tourism Network® wishes to highlight, thanks to this human-oriented campaign, in which journalists and operators will be invited to live these same experiences.


The trips will take place between November 21st and 29th (dates can be flexible), and the participants will be invited to participate in the International Conference on Culinary and Creative Tourism, to be held in Tunis on November 28th. 

All expenses are covered, including international flights.

The 3 itineraries will include experiences in the following regions (program might be altered):

North: Tunis – Cap Bon – Beja – Ain Drahem – Le Kef – Zaghouan
Center: Kairouan – Ouesletia les îles Kerkennah, Sfax – Tunis
South: Djerba – Dahar – Tozeur – Tunis

Languages will be English, French and others, upon request.


The selection of journalists will be made on the basis of their professional and personal sensitivity to this type of tourism, according to the information gathered in the attached form, before October 24th. 


  • For Press TripS

Applications: https://forms.gle/tkdgBuCw2wUt8awC8

  • For fam Trips



(*) About Tunisia’s Culinary Journey

This is a project developed within the “Promotion of Sustainable Tourism” program implemented by the Ministry of Tourism with the support of GIZ and jointly funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ) and by the European Union as part of its “Tounes Wijhetouna” program.

Tunisia’s Culinary Journey is one of these thematic axes, the result of the collaboration between different institutions, national and international*, aimed at converting the Tunisian culinary heritage into creative experiences that can attract different profiles of tourists, throughout the year, and across the country.

Six flagship products have been chosen, highlighting six major regions: Cheese from the North-West, Harissa from Cap Bon, Olive Oil from the Center and Dahar, Wine from the North, Dates from the South-West and Octopus from Kerkennah.

By focusing on creative and thematic tourism, Tunisia is now becoming THE Mediterranean destination capable of attracting new generations of travelers in search of authenticity and human values.

By promoting regional and interregional dynamics, the Culinary Journey aims to strengthen local economies in order to convert them into sustainable tourism poles and to position Tunisia among the most popular international destinations for its gastronomic heritage.


About the Creative Tourism Network®, the international network responsible for implementing the “Tunisia Culinary & Creative” component of The Culinary Journey.

The Creative Tourism Network® is the official organization for the development of creative tourism worldwide. Its main mission is to support destinations of all types, from the identification of their intangible resources and their cultural DNA, to their international positioning under the CreativeFriendlyDestination label, through the training of local stakeholders from different sectors, in the line of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The Creative Tourism Network® collaborates with UNESCO, the World Tourism Organization, as well as Ministries around the world.