Creative Friendly Destination

Spend a creative summer with Loulé’s artists!

Loulé Criativo promotes the revitalization of cultural heritage, traditions, crafts, art and design in this dynamic town in the central Algarve. If you’re visiting the region, be sure to sign…


Valpoetiza, invites you to tour Valparaíso in a creative way, through its musical tourist routes in Decimas and Cuecas by Claudio Lazcano, Cultor and Guide, and Conniie Cordero, Guide and…

Perro Sur Graphic Crafts Workshop and Gallery

Perro Sur is a collaborative work space that provides theoretical and practical workshops in graphic arts and crafts such as: audiovisual design, engraving, screen printing, illustration, printing, bookbinding, painting and…

Barcelos inaugurates its House of Creativity

On Wednesday May 3rd, the Mayor of Barcelos, Mário Constantino, and the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, inaugurated the Casa da Creativity (House of Creativity) in Barcelos, an outstanding…