“Christo and Jean-Claude” Center


The former textile technical school in Gabrovo began its actual transformation into the “Christo and Jeanne-Claude” Center with a three-day event.

12,000 square meters of free space, which includes the exhibitions “Projects” and “Born in Gabrovo”, artists’ studios, interventions in the urban environment, artifacts from the history of the textile industry and workshops for children. This is what over 1,500 people saw during the three days of open doors (October 6, 7, 8, 2023) in the until recently abandoned school turned into an art center.

Vladimir Yavashev, operational and project director of the exposition, “Christo and Jeanne-Claude” – greeted the participants and guests with the words: “The most important thing for this really problematic project are the studios and residences. The energy of the young artists, which they themselves bring to the place, is really felt! The future is with them and before them – to be free to create. Christo had many lectures – at universities, in schools, and when he was asked for advice to young artists, he said: “I am not one to give advice to young artists, but what I do and think is the most important for every young artist, it’s just to be absolutely immersed in your work, to believe in it and to create 24 hours a day.”

The office manager of one of Christo’s last big projects – “The Floating Piers” Lorenza Giovanelli also shared her impressions at the opening event: “This is my first time in Bulgaria, but I can say that this place is magnificent! I believe Christo would be very happy to see what you are doing in this creative space”.

In her opening words, the curator of the new center, Margarita Dorovska, recalled that the idea for such a space is more than 30 years old and the process of creating it started thanks to dozens of like-minded people: “I am very happy that the number of people who support the idea is increasing, and skeptics are diminishing. Huge thanks to everyone who lent a hand with labor and money”.

More information: https://cjcenter.gabrovo.bg/