Last June 13th-14th a pioneering event was held in the city of Loulé (Algarve, Portugal), aimed to foster the creative tourism in this charming town and its surroundings.

At this occasion, the director of the Creative Tourism Network®, Caroline Couret, was invited to lecture on  “How to develop the creative tourism in a destination”?

The strategic vision of the City Council (*), the expertise of the project manager ProActiveTur,  and the great participation of the inhabitants guaranteed the success of the future program  of Creative Tourism in  Loulé.

Sir. Hugo Nunes, ViceMayor of Loulé said that creative tourism, is one of the pillars for the future of the countyand stated that it has a great potential to stimulate the intangible cultural heritage“.

Sir  Joao Ministro, director of ProActiveTur, explained that this event is the “starting point” for other initiatives to be developed with the Loulé creative project involving local actors, technicians of the local authority, trade, craftsmen and artists.

The project aims to contribute to the revitalization and promotion of arts and crafts and covers the implementation of creative tourism programs, residencies, training, research, support for the installation of new artisans and marketing of products.

In addition to the city’s loveliness, the proof was that, on the following day,   hundred of participants experimented “Creative Experiences” and (re)discover the local culture through a wide array of workshops  including cooking classes of traditional maize porridge or almond paste, serigraphy, toys in sugarcane, artcrafts or a photographic route, among others.


  •  Photo Gallery of Loulé Criativo [+]
  •  Press Clipping of Loulé Criativo [+]
(*) Câmara Municipal de Loulé)