The director of the Creative Tourism Network® spoke within the Regional Conference Tourism in MENA Cities, held in Amman, Jordan, last November 13th-14th, organized by the Jordan Tourism Board under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan, in collaboration with the Greater Amman Municipality and Lawrence & Husseini Consult, with the technical support of the UNWTO.

The aim of the conference was to  opportunity to raise awareness of the contribution of sustainable tourism to development among public and private sector, decision-makers and the public; while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change.

In a panel on Resilient and Sustainable Economic Growth through Innovation, Technology, Social Inclusiveness and Creative Tourism”, she pointed out the importance of using the creative tourism as a new opportunity to manage the human ressources in tourism, in a more creative way.

She also conducted a workshop on creative tourism for a thirty professionals from different countries who could shape their own projects around the creative tourism model.

Hundreds of delegates from all over the world participated in this successful conference that highlighted the importance of betting on innovation to achieve sustainable tourit development.

The attractiveness of Jordan was definitely the best example of it!

Congratulations to you all for your perfect organization!

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