The Creative Tourism Network® is pleased to announce the open registration of the Creative Tourism Awards 2021, within the framework of the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. These trophies aim to reward every year companies, projects, and destinations worldwide that bet on creative tourism to cater to this increasing demand of travelers eager to experience the local culture while creating a value chain for the territory.

The applicant can apply for the following categories:

  • Best Strategy for Creative Tourism Development
  • Best Creative Destination
  • Best Creative Travel Agency / Tour Operators
  • Best Creative Accommodation (Hospitality)
  • Best Creative Experiences

Internationally recognized for its action in favor of more innovative and sustainable tourism, the Creative Tourism Network® works with a panel of prestigious experts in order to determine and guarantee the respect of the Best Practices in Creative Tourism. The international jury selects the awardees for their creativity, authenticity, and sustainability.

You are certainly one of them!

EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 17th, 2022

More information & Application