Last 23rd -25th of July, the Municipality of Gabrovo organized the Eco Festival UZANA POLYANA FEST, as part of the ‘green’ initiatives dedicated to the ‘European Green Leaf’ recognition which is awarded to Gabrovo for 2021. Striving towards ecological behavior and nature care, the festival met the green ideas and the successful ecological models which was presented in 7 zones by means of eco practices, interactive activities, lectures on environment preservation, successful healthy products, and sustainable art initiatives.

UZANA POLYANA FEST challenged minds, senses, and tastes, through its program of attractions aimed to learn about green ideas, to taste delicious Bulgarian food and various bio products.

Moreover, the open-air stage offered rhythm, emotion and feeling of nature in the performances of Bulgarian musicians.
UZANA POLYANA FEST gave a creative, friendly and magic welcome to the summer holidays!


“Gabrovo is” the place to do! The Bulgarian city seduces us with a very attractive program of creative tourist experiences to be enjoyed throughout the next months! Discover them on the following link, and enjoy the Bulgarian culture and its people’s friendliness.

Gabrovo is a CreativeFriendlyDestination certified by the CreativeTourismNetwork (R) and recognized as CreativeCity by UNESCO.




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