Journalists, tour operators, and experts from 8 countries participated in the 3 press and fam trips organized within the framework of the Culinary Route of Tunisia, a project implemented by the same network.

They could this way discover exclusively culinary experiences co-created with the Tunisian local communities (farmers, cookers, craftsmen..) throughout the country.

To experience personally what creative tourism means, they had the opportunity to participate in workshops through which they could learn how to fish the octopus in Kerkennah Islands, in a traditional way recognized by UNESCO, collect the dates in a palm tree, and cook traditional dishes and drinks, in the south, elaborate their natural cosmetics with olive oil in the center, or learn how to make harissa while tasting Tunisian wines and cheeses in the north, to name but a few.

Such a wide array of experiences allowed them to be immersed in the local culture and appreciate the authenticity of the experiences created and the Tunisians’ friendliness!

The trips already led to the publication of articles in international magazines, and TV reports are also about to be broadcast, and the participants themselves also shared their positive feedback within the International Conference on Culinary and Creative Tourism, organized by the Creative Tourism Network (R) in Tunis, on November 28th, in presence of all the local stakeholder’s providers of experiences!

New press and fam trips will be programmed soon: stay tuned by filling out the following form!

La Route Culinaire de Tunisie est mise en oeuvre par le CreativeTourismNetwork dans le cadre du projet « Promotion du Tourisme Durable », impulsé par le Ministère du Tourisme et de l’artisanat – Tunisie وزارة السياحة – تونس avec l’appui de la GIZ et financé conjointement par le ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) et par l’ Union européenne en Tunisie dans le cadre de son programme « Tounes Wijhetouna – تونس وجهتنا ».