100 scholarships, connected from Puerto Varas, Frutillar, Puerto Octay, and Llanquihue, participated in the opening day of the School of Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism.

Rodrigo Carrasco, director of Corfo Los Lagos, stated that a concrete way to make the economy more sustainable is to incorporate creativity. This integrated territorial program seeks to promote the Llanquihue Lake basin as a pole of creative development. When we appeal to human creativity, it is an infinite resource and much more sustainable than exploiting a mineral deposit. This program seeks to empower people, both those who generate content and those who capture content. From the Lake Llanquihue basin, we want to mark the future of Chile. “

Alex Paredes, director of Planeas, stated that “when we talk about creative and cultural industries we talk about human development. Without human development, there is no creativity or economy that allows opening the productive matrix ”.

“This is the first step in creating a new reality,” added the manager of the Integrated Territorial Program, Manuel Perrot. We are talking about exploring a new type of tourism for this territory and our country. We are not only starting this school, we are starting a support route for creative tourism. The first step is the school and the second is the realization of 20 mentoring that will conclude with the design of final products and their commercialization. “

The opening day of the School of Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism was presented by Caroline Couret, founder of Creative Tourism Network®, who from Barcelona gave a master class on “Creative Tourism, Orange Tourism”.

“What is the common point of Lake Llanquihue with Barcelona, ​​Medellín, Bangkok and Valparaíso? It is the commitment to be a Creative Friendly destination. Through this seal they present a real commitment to creative tourism, respecting the code of ethics and good practices and creating a value chain for their territory. Tourism should be a tool to do things better. “ With these words, Caroline Couret kicked off the development of the school.

The School of Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism will be held every Wednesday from 09:30 to 12:30 in a virtual way, adopting a schedule that makes it possible to reconcile study with life at home. Participants will be able to select 8 out of a total of 10 content modules that will address fundamental topics to project their ventures in the long term: diversification of offers, sustainable tourism, design of creative tourist experiences, construction of value proposition, market validation, creation of commercial narrative, network generation, attribute development, business model designs and digitization.

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