The French Ministry of Culture has launched a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Tourism is Cultural”, produced in partnership with the CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts).

This online course aims to promote cultural tourism in the country and prepare professionals for the synergy between both fields. It is the result of a pioneering action plan developed within an inter-ministerial agreement on cultural tourism signed on January 19th, 2018, between the Ministry of Culture and the two ministries in charge of tourism, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

The Creative Tourism Network® had the chance to participate to the elaboration of this MOOC. The creative tourism is mentioned as a means of promoting and developing the identity of French regions, as well as their know-how and intangible heritage, through creative experiences and activities aimed to international tourists.

Earlier this month, Nicolas Monquaut, Culture-Tourism project leader at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, expressed his views on tourism in France and creative tourism in an exclusive interview, available here.

Note: Should you be interested in going deeper into the concept creative tourism, the CreativeTourismAcademy, founded by the Creative Tourism Network®, provides tailored trainings and practical workshops to develop this new tourism model in your destination or company. Find more information here.

featured image © FUN-MOOC and CNAM.