The city of Gabrovo – Photo by Elena

Bulgaria, a travel destination that continues to evoke something special in me. Starting from my open fascination for the historic capital city of Sofia, I would like to take you further this time. Further into the countryside. Right into where I believe lies the heart and soul of Bulgaria, its many different cultural landscapes shaped over the course of centuries, its people & traditions. On the one hand side, this involves meeting lots and lots of active artisans & craftspeople, who we have come across as extremely active even now during the low travel season, in either open air museums, city centres, or “Craft Streets” – you name it. On the other hand side, it’s the country’s delicious food & drinks culture, exemplified by the ultimately creamy Bulgarian yoghurt as well as the nation’s drink Raki, of course, the ubiquitous plum brandy. Raki, by the way, is usually served before, during AND after a meal, so prepare for a good intake of Bulgarian hospitality on your journey throughout the country …!

But alcohol is, of course, not all what Bulgaria is about.

However …


Read the end of the report.




Capture d’écran 2018-04-25 à 11.16.07   Written by Elena.

   Elena writes about creative destinations, shares her personal travel stories and        brings inspiring photography & interesting news updates home to you. Her mission is: “Continue to be amazed at this world, one creative travel experience at a time.”