Whether you are a choir, an orchestra, a band or a tour operator organizing performing tours, you will certainly be happy to learn that the Creative Tourism Network®’s members perfectly know your needs and will help you with the venue research, as well as logistic issues, licences and the promotion of the concerts!

Your audience is already waiting for you in Ibiza, Barcelona, Porto Alegre (Brazil), Tuscany (Italy), Algarve (South Portugal), Galicia, Provence, Austria, Canada, Japan, among others!

You will have the priviledge to perform in singular venues as well as a wide array of spaces, from churches to theater hall, passing through open air squares and parks.

Moreover, the network is collaborating with transport companies in order to offer you discounts to connect each destination!

Please, contact us for further details at info@www.creativetourismnetwork.org

See also: Performing Tours Barcelona