On Saturday, 1 June, the new headquarters of Loulé Criativo was inaugurated, in the renovated Gama Lobo Palace. This splendid eighteenth-century manor house emblazoned with a coat of arms is considered a landmark in terms of Loulé’s civil architecture. The ceremony was attended by Pedro Siza Vieira, Deputy Minister and Economy.
The Gama Lobo Palace is considered a landmark in terms of Loulé’s civil architecture. It is located on the northern slope of the historical part of the city. Generously-sized, it offers spacious ground- and first-floor areas divided into a number of compartments. Additionally, is also a point of connection between the city centre and other spaces of cultural and commercial interest, in order to enhance the network of synergy between local businesses and operators.
This space is the new headquarters of Loulé Criativo, a territorial development project, which focuses on the valorization of its identity, promoting culture and heritage in its relationship with the contemporary and incorporates the Space of Knowledge, Crafts and Arts (ECOA) that serves as a driving force for several activities: exhibitions creative residencies, workshops and training.
In this space, you will find temporary and permanent exhibition gallery associated with creativity, heritage, arts and crafts, and its connection with innovation and design, Information and Service Desk, Shop, spaces for workshops and training, the Loulé Design Lab, administrative area, area for residencies.
The Loulé Criativo has several departments including Creative Tourism, the Loulé Design Lab and a workshop networks: palm weaving, clay and copper, the watchmaker and luthier studio. Every year a program of activities is developed around cultural heritage, traditional arts and crafts and design.
This is a space and an opportunity for the development and enjoyment of creativity. Rise to the challenge of inventing new ways of paying tribute to the territory, recreating its legacy in contemporaneity and bringing people together around new meanings of being and doing.

More info: http://loulecriativo.pt/en/ecoa
Press release from Silvana GASPAR, Loulé Criativo.