It is almost 6 pm on May 22th, when we leave the Rambla Catalunya for the small streets of the Catalan capital. Yves is waiting for us and warmly welcoming us to his Grandma’s Cooking cooking class to discover the secrets of gastronomic traditions. Let us tell you!

Here, the atmosphere is convivial! The group of about ten people is welcomed and presented to each other. All nationalities mingle; English, Spanish and French resonate in the room. Everyone allocates tasks to compose the daily specials: salmorejo, the esqueixada and a Catalan recipe with merluza.

During the workshop, Yves tells his story; his passion for sharing culinary tradition with a wide audience. Tradition and essence are the key words that forged this project. By calling on a Catalan «Grandma» at each of its courses, they share their knowledge together with the apprentices of the day. Today, we listen attentively to the advice of Marina, native of the Rioja.

Whether it is Veronica, Paola or Bart, the clerks of the day are listening. Interested, they all wish to deepen their knowledge of the Catalan culture. Yves explains that the participants are not just tourists, but more visitors. Mainly from the United States, Germany or France, they come throughout the year. Their presence during three to four hours per course demonstrates a real intention on their part to soak up the culture and the Catalan cuisine.

The preparations succeed one another and the succulent odors invade the kitchen. The dishes take shape and the table fills. The delicious soup from Córdoba based on tomato, the salmorejo, blushes, the esqueixada is colored using red and green peppers, olives … The dishes already start to delight the eyes before the papillae!

This workshop, whose essence is tradition, is held twice a day, at 11am and 6pm with Yves. For more information, do not hesitate to contact him through his website, Grandma’s Cooking!

Discover our experience through this video !



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