Experiències creatives

Rally fotogràfic

Aquesta ruta de dues hores us donarà l’oportunitat de descobrir “l’altra” Barcelona, així com d’exercir el vostre talent i expressar la vostra creativitat, assessorats per reconeguts fotògrafs. Una activitat original…

Rumba Catalana / Flamenco

Els vostres primers passos de rumba o flamenc a Barcelona ! Us imagineu fer els vostres primers passos de flamenc o rumba catalana a Barcelona ? Aquesta és la vostra…

Sewed a Taleigo bag in Loulé

For several years sewing was part of the education of youngsters in Loulé. To learn how to make clothing, to embroider or to patch was exclusive to women. In this…

Molding the clay on the Potter’s Wheel

A few years ago, Loulé was a land of potters, a trade with knowledge and ancestral techniques. Enjoy an activity held around the pottery wheel, feel the texture of the…

Grandma’s Cooking – Barcelona

It is almost 6 pm on May 22th, when we leave the Rambla Catalunya for the small streets of the Catalan capital. Yves is waiting for us and warmly welcoming…

Taller de postal de feltre a Porto Alegre

El taller de postal de feltre de Porto Alegre (Brasil), us proposa crear el vostre propri record de viatge, tot descobrint la cultura Gaucha. Fils de llana de diferents colors…

“Loulé´s Designers” , creative residence

Held from September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” promoted the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision,…