CTN participates at the European Young Chef Award

This prestigious competition, organized by IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy Culture, Art and Tourism), and headed by the known Best Chef in the World, Joan Roca, as president of the…

És un plaer anunciar-vos la creació d’Eivissa Creativa (Ibiza Creativa), un programa impulsat pel Consell d’Eivissa i els municipis locals, per tal d’oferir als visitants experiències úniques i deixar-se inspirar…

“Loulé´s Designers” , creative residence

Held from September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” promoted the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision,…

“Loulé´s Designers” , creative residence

Held from September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” promoted the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision,…

CTN a la conferència de la OMT a Argentina

El passat 16 de setembre la directora del Creative Tourism Network®, Caroline Couret, va ser una dels ponents de la Conferència de l’OMT sobre “Tendències de màrqueting per als turistes…