És un plaer anunciar-vos la creació d’Eivissa Creativa (Ibiza Creativa), un programa impulsat pel Consell d’Eivissa i els municipis locals, per tal d’oferir als visitants experiències úniques i deixar-se inspirar…
octubre 2016
“Loulé´s Designers” , creative residence
Held from September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” promoted the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision,…
“Loulé´s Designers” , creative residence
Held from September 10th to 24th, the creative residence “Loulé´s Designers” promoted the dialogue within traditional knowledge. Three designers born in Loulé returned to their origins with a new vision,…