The conference on creative tourism organized by the Creative Tourism Network® within the World Travel Market in London last November 3rd, confirmed the growing interest of the tourism sector for this new trend that offers the travellers the opportunity to experience the local culture by participating in artistic and creative activities.

The presence of more than two hundred international professionals in this session clearly demonstrates the industry’s commitment to a more personalized tourism, interactive, based on the authenticity of the experience.

To provide participants with “All they need to know about creative tourism”, the conference gave the floor to a panel formed by Professor Greg Richards, co-inventor of the creative tourism concept, as well as professionals and personalities that develop it from different perspectives. That of a destination, with the Ibiza Creative Tourism program, presented by the Concilliour of Tourism and Trade of Ibiza, Mrs. Gloria Corral, who stressed the importance of providing a seasonally adjusted tourism, which does not imply any investment and also contributes to the revival of traditions and the intangible heritage. But also that of the hotel sector, with Creative Tourism Austria program, presented by Elena Paschinger or the point of view of a receptive agent, in the person of Philippe Wauquaire, product designer at Airserve – Japan.

Caroline Couret, director of the Creative Tourism Network® and organizer of the conference, presented the cases of good practices found among the network members and advised in situ project managers in shaping their future own strategic development.

Definitely at the end of the session, new projects were already taking shape!

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