The Creative Tourism Network® had the honor of participating in the launch of the Integrated Territorial Program (PTI) Lago Llanquihue Creative Destination, (Chile), which was held digitally on April 21, coinciding with Creativity Day.

This three-year program is supported by Corfo Los Lagos and seeks to develop productive promotion, through the creative industries in the Municipalities of Puerto Varas, Llanquihue, Puerto Octay and Frutillar.

For this reason, the event included a talk on “creative tourism as an opportunity for local stakeholders in the Llanquihue Lake Basin”,  which was given by Caroline Couret, founder of the Creative Tourism Network® (CTN).

The almost 300 entrepreneurs from various sectors of the Basin who attended the online session found inspiration from practical cases of destinations around the world, that are betting on creative tourism to meet this growing market while creating a value chain for their territory. An issue, therefore, totally in phase with the search for post-covid solutions that all destinations are currently carrying out.

From an institutional point of view, the event count on the interventions of Mrs. Mónica Zalaquett, Subsecretary of Tourism of Chile and Mr. Rodrigo Carrasco, director of CORFO Los Lagos, who gave their support to the program for its entrepreneurial and sustainable assets.

The PTI Lago Llanquihue Creative Destination program was presented by members of its management team and Board: Manuel Perrot and María Josefa Palomero, PTI manager and coordinator,  José Feuereisen, Director of the PLADES Foundation and Fernando Ortúzar, manager of the Teatro del Lago and President of the PTI Board of Directors.

Among the objectives advanced in said exhibition, they mentioned the implementation of a school for creative tourism ventures completed by a mentoring program, the creation of territorial / sectoral groups to build networks in the Four Communes and four creative fields and thus support the efforts of governance, the celebration of the annual meetingUNESCO Creative Cities for Music” to be held next November 2020 in Frutillar, the integration to the Creative Tourism Network® with the label CreativeFriendlyDestination, and the construction of brand identity.

The program was received very enthusiastically by the attendees and many other local stakeholders should joint it shortly!

Congratulations to you all for this very deserved success!