creative tourism

3 nuovi labels CreativeFriendly!

Il CreativeTourism Network® ha appena creato tre nuove labels per distinguere gli agenti essenziali per il turismo creativo, settore in forte espansione. Attraverso CreativeFriendlyTravelAgent, CreativeFriendlyTourOperator e CreativeFriendlyTravelAdvisor, il CTN garantisce…

Creative Tourism in Recife

The Creative Tourism Network® participated last December 7th -8th at the Seminar on Creative Tourism (Seminario do Turismo Criativo), organized in Recife by the City Council (Prefeitura), with the collaboration…

Creative Tourism in Venice

Last May 9th, the director of the Creative Tourism Network ® conducted a workshop on creative tourism development within the Master in Economics and Management of Tourism at the CISET…

Creative Tourism in Bulgaria

The Creative Tourism Network® had the honor to speak within the Forum on Creative Tourism organized last March 2d by the Municipality of Gabrovo, in collaboration with the cities of…