This prestigious competition, organized by IGCAT (International Institute of Gastronomy Culture, Art and Tourism), and headed by the known Best Chef in the World, Joan Roca, as president of the jury, gathered last November 14th, 10 Young European chefs the Escola Universitària d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Sant Pol de Mar (EUHTStPOL), near Barcelona.

Representing 10 Regions of Gastronomy they were asked to highlight the importance of local food products and cultures. 

More precisely, the competition aims to promote innovations on traditional cuisine, to highlight sustainable food cultures and to create future ambassadors for local food products.

After a hard selection process due to the finalists’ high level, the jury composed by Joan Roca, Ramón Serra, president of EUHStPOL, Dr. Jordi Tresserras, professor at the University of Barcelona, Dr. Diane Dodd, president of IGCAT; and Caroline Couret, director of the Creative Tourism Network®, awarded the greek chef Stamatios Misomikes.