Commitment of the Llanquihue Lake basin (Chile) to consolidate a Creative Destination

A solid balance was carried out by the Lake Llanquihue Creative Destination Integrated Territorial Program to the articulation opportunities presented by the organizations and initiatives of the creative and tourism industries in the territory.

Between November and December, Vive Lago Llanquihue Destino Creativo was held, a festival of experiences that invited people to enjoy activities and learn about the development of creative industries where gastronomy, cinema, music, and crafts converge.

It is through the positioning of these areas of the creative industries that the Lake Llanquihue Creative Destination Integrated Territorial Program, promoted by CORFO Los Lagos, seeks to consolidate the bases of the destination.

“The planning and management of a destination are among the keys to the development of a territory, in this case, focused on creative industries and what is called the orange economy,” explains Rodrigo Carrasco, regional director of CORFO Los Lagos. “This, from a view of the territory that promotes the articulation of actors and strategic planning that incorporates environmental variables, quality of life and well-being of the inhabitants, quality of services and creative tourist experiences, and respect for identity and cultural heritage. local, “he adds.

At the governance level, the program has four territorial tables that conclude a stage with a story in the field from the perspective of the local actors themselves of at least 8 elements of territorial identity, which are the kick for visitors to get to know the commune from its life experience. On the other hand, the creative tables venture to develop a collaborative activity as an initial milestone with a view to consolidating themselves in the coming years and which have enormous potential to convene “Creative and Orange Tourism”.

From the field of music, efforts have focused on promoting collaborative work, publicizing Spotify’s Cantos del Llanquihue list, the call for bands for the Piedrandina Festival, actions framed in the celebration of the Anniversary of Frutillar, Creative City de la Música, and promoting the Los Lagos Fluvial Festival that summoned independent artists, institutions and music organizations of the region, with the aim of supporting and empowering the musicians of the territory, forming a network of spaces to link the communities with the creative industry.

For its part, and within the framework of Vive Lago Llanquihue Destino Creativo, the Artesan@s en Acción School (Artisand in Action) was held in November to accompany the decision to train he artisans of the Llanquihue Lake Basin. This was carried out together with the Puerto Varas Business Center of Sercotec, Prodemu and some invited collaborators such as Mentores De Impacto, Teatro Del Lago, La Minga, Envuelbee and Sur Nativo. This action culminated in a practical face-to-face workshop for 50 EXPOPRODEMU exhibiting artisans where the possibilities of improving the sales experience from the stand were worked on in situ.

In the Audiovisual field, the first collaborative milestone around the celebration of Chilean cinema was established: Cinema in the Basin, with the proposal to bring cinema closer and schedule exhibitions in various locations: exhibitions were scheduled in Puerto Octay, at the Liceo Benjamín Gamero; Frutillar, a children’s morning at the Teatro del Lago; Puerto Varas in Cinema -1 for all and in the Pionero boat a special of shorts; to end on a poetic afternoon in Ensenada, through Drive-in cinema. And in Gastronomy, eight chefs and restaurants joined forces to execute the first initiative 100K Lago Llanquihue Gastronómico, giving value to their local suppliers by associating at least one product from their menu. The initiative was highlighted at the national level within the tourism programs of Transforma Turismo Chile and supported by AACHEF, which are the promoters of the 100K Gastronomic Seal.

“Vive Lago Llanquihue Destino Creativo was a pilot program on which we analyzed the achievements and challenges of collaborative and creative work in the Llanquihue Lake Basin; the participation of the community and the environment ”, explains Paulette Irarrázaval, program manager.

For the year 2022 and based on the opportunities that arise from collaborative activities and the common agenda, it seeks to guide actions to the articulation of organizations that consolidate the creative destination and to promote training activities for the months of less tourist activity through of schools and business incubators.


